Amen! Testify! Speak the truth!
the truth is nowadays SEX SELLS ... so theres no need for real talent just as long as you show some flesh and have a good beat to your song!-- some people dont even listen to the words jsut the beat!
I mean Beyonce.. she has an amazing talent but she wastes it-- i remeber watching her perfom on tv and she didnt even have a microphone she was just hanging from the ceiling in some skimpy outfit... and i thought 'wot is wrong with you! YOU ARE A SINGER!'
Bring back the instruments, the lyrics, and the real dedicate singers who are not all caught up in showing there bodies!!
And i do agree, UK rnb is great over here,, i spend more time listening to music on myspace now becuase theres more ,you know, undiscovered real talent and people with real lyrics!
no offencE mz.LUVLEE' but theres no need to be rude.. i have listened to all of beyonces songs and she is a great artist but like i said earlier its more about how sex sells than how talent sells
and well yea she was great with destinys child but that was also in the past.
not all rnb is like this but a large majority...
try to be mature and understand what the persons saying before you starting 'runnin your mouth' .. go ahead lower my rating... everyones entitled to there opinion...
theres absolutley no need for swearing