"Love is in Bloom" Guitar Sheet Music Wanted! (MLP: FiM)?
2012-10-06 13:59:48 UTC
I am in search of guitar sheet music for the My Little Pony song "Love is in Bloom". I am going to play it at my friends wedding while singing the words, so I want the best and most popular version out there. Where can I find said sheet music (for free) online so I can simply print it off to learn it? Thanks :D

PS: What can I replace the word "pony" for in the verse "We celebrate the pony way"? I want it to sound like it is not a MLP song, if you get me.
Three answers:
2012-10-06 18:28:33 UTC

There's some sheet music for that song there, multiple ones for the guitar, you just gotta take your pic of them.

Also, you an replace the word pony with one of their last names if it's two syllables, that would sound nice. If it doesn't, you can replace it with any adjective that is two syllables. (ex. Happy, special, family, etc.) Whatever sounds best to you.
2016-02-22 00:53:57 UTC
There are plenty of great guitar players that can not read sheet music. So is the skill to be able to read sheet music necesarry? No. But would that skill be beneficial. Of course it would be. Being able to read sheet music only further widens your possiblities and potential as a guitar player. I think that guitar tabs are a perfectly acceptable version of guitar music, and i read them. I do also read guitar sheet music. Being able to read and understand sheet music and musical notes will better help you understand the chords. If you ignore sheet music, you can still be a fine guitar player, but i recomend learning it. It is a lot easier to learn it if you have guitar lessons, or a friend who knows how to read sheet music and plays guitar. Given how much you practice, you could probably become a good guitar player in a few months. I have only been playing guitar for 6 months and I do know plenty of songs. I practice as much or maybe more than you, just not for a set time. Some days i practice for 10 minutes, some I get on a roll learning a song and practice for 2 hours. And some days I don't practice at all. I'm on more of a relaxed schedual of learning guitar. As your skill level begins to increase, and it will if you continue practicing, you will play more most likely. Just keep practicing and you will learn to play guitar well.
2016-10-03 05:23:40 UTC
In Bloom Chords

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