What is music to you?
2007-05-11 11:42:25 UTC
Liek what does it help you with and what is it to you? To me its like tha rhythem of my heart it don't beat if I don't got it.
Ten answers:
2007-05-11 11:49:10 UTC
life's blood, baby - I simply could not live without it. If there came a day, like in Castaway, were I could no longer hear music, I would sing every song I could remember every day. So long as I could do that, I would be a happy woman, and probably would not leave my little isle. Don't need companionship, gotta' have music.

Marjie L
2007-05-11 20:30:32 UTC
For me music is food for the soul. It helps you through all sorts of things throughout life. It brings you great joy and comfort when you want to celebrate or need encouragement. It calms you down (even if it is a fast paced song) after you've been angry or upset about something. It's just like a best friend for you when no one is around to be there for you.
2007-05-11 20:06:49 UTC
it does everything for me i love listening to music when i am in a good mood it makes me in a even better mood when im down it gives me what i need to its just needed to live everyday i dont think a day goes by when i dont listen to music
2007-05-11 18:51:54 UTC
It's any lyrics, rhythm, beat, melody,a nything that gives me a great internal feeling and moves my soul or makes me happy, or just gives me a feeling of more than just blah
2007-05-11 18:50:38 UTC
It's a source of happyness to me... it's my life...

Music connects people with eachother...

there are no other words to describe...
2007-05-11 18:49:24 UTC
not screamo metal crap, thats just noise!!
2007-05-11 18:46:46 UTC
the meaning of life put into rythm...
2007-05-11 18:45:44 UTC
Not rap ;) I love lorenna mckennit. Check her out.
2007-05-11 18:45:11 UTC
Anything that makes your heart race and head bang. I gotta feel the pulsing and beats come from the speakers...
2007-05-11 18:57:27 UTC
Music is just repetitive beats or "musical" sounds. Music is based all on rhythm, I just like it because of that. If you cannot live without music you should cut back, it should not become an addiction. Society has enough problems with addictions already.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.